Monday, September 26, 2011

Fall is coming!!!

What does fall mean??? New fashions, your birthday, colorful scenery??? People have different opinions when it comes to this season. What are your thoughts???

My thoughts:
Fall is a perfect season to enjoy the scenery, when leaves start to turn red, gold, yellow and brown. When the weather turns nice. It’s also a great season to start planting seeds.

Your thoughts:

Send in your thoughts about fall to, your name might just pop up in our next issue of the Busy Bee!!!

Happy thinking!!!!

Music Corner

What are the latest hits??? Well, the truth is I have no idea!!! I’m not that into music, YET!!! So this is a one time opportunity for YOU to shine. What do you think the latest hits are??? Just post a comment with you name on, like this:

I think that the latest hits are...............


Stay tuned

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

From Marshall

Dear All the helpful earthlings that wrote to me,

Thank you for all the kind and helpful messages helping me get through the "BUNNY" situation. And thank yee for all the advice. I have decided:

To keep Snowdrop and Ginger
Give away Kristine, Rhea and Bubbles to my BUNNY MANIAC friend Tasha, who already has 20 bunnies of her own.

Once again, thank yee for everything. Hope to hear from you soon: